Adsorptive polarographic wave of copper-α-benzoinoxime complex 铜-α-安息香肟络合物极谱吸附波
Simultaneous Determination Cu of Pb and Sn in Water by Derivative Polarographic Wave 水中铜铅锡的导数极谱波的同时测定
Application of Simplex-Deviation-Pattern Recognition to Studies of Adsorptive Polarographic Wave 单纯形-偏差图形识别法在极谱吸附波研究中的应用
The mechanism of the polarographic wave of diosgenin is discussed. 建立了薯蓣皂苷元的极谱分析方法,成功地测定了黄姜中的薯蓣皂苷元,并讨论了极谱波的产生机理。
A study of polarographic wave of tungsten and its determination in molybdenum concentrate 钨的极谱波研究及钼精矿中钨的测定
Investigation on the Polarographic Wave of Zinc-Arginine Complex 锌-精氨酸配合物极谱吸附波的研究
Investigations on Polarographic Wave of Lead-Ascorbic Acid Complex 铅&抗坏血酸配合物极谱波的研究
Study on New Polarographic Wave of Calcium 钙的一种新极谱波
Based on the results of the electrochemical study, the polarographic wave at-0.46 V was proved to be an adsorptive wave of the lead(ⅱ)-HPM α FP complex, and the peak current was produced by the reduction of Pb(ⅱ)-ion. 用多种电化学方法研究了极谱波的性质及电极反应机理,证明-0.46V处的极谱波为络合物吸附波,峰电流由中心离子Pb(Ⅱ)还原产生。
Study and application of polarographic wave of Molybdenum-Morin complex 钼-桑色素配合物的极谱波研究与应用
Studies on the adsorptive complex polarographic wave of copper(ⅱ)-xanthine 铜-黄嘌呤配合物极谱吸附波的研究
A Study of Catalytic Adsorption Polarographic Wave of Zr(ⅳ) Antipyrine-Nitrosulphophenol M Complex in Nitric Acid Medium 硝酸介质中锆安替比林硝基磺酚M络合吸附催化极谱波的研究
The properties of Pb~ ( 2+) polarographic wave was studied in the NBPG KCL HCUP system and a new method of measuring lead contant was put forward in this paper. 本文对pb~(2+)在增甘膦氯化钾铜铁试剂体系中的极谱波性质进行了研究,提出了用示波极谱法测定铅量的一种新方法。
This polarographic wave is proved to be adsorptive one. 极谱波性质被证明为吸附波。
The polarographic wave could be stable in 4h. 极谱波的波高至少稳定4h。
Application of Catalytic Polarographic Wave in the Analysis of Silicate Rock 极谱催化波在硅酸盐岩石分析中的应用概况
Determination of trace lead in minerals and rocks by absorptive polarographic wave method 极谱络合吸附波测定岩石矿物中痕量铅
Continuous Determination of Trace Zinc Manganese and Selenium(ⅳ) in Water Samples by Adsorptive Polarographic Wave 极谱吸附波连续测定水样中痕量锌、锰和硒
In a medium of weak acidic amygdalic acid, niobium(ⅴ) can be reduced at dropping mercury cathode and then a polarographic wave is observed. 在弱酸性的杏仁酸底液中,铌(Ⅴ)能在滴汞电极上还原,产生一个极谱波;
Adsorption-Polarographic Wave of Methaqualone 安眠酮的吸附极谱波研究
The polarographic properties of Arsenazo ⅲ had been studied, and itwas shown that the polarographic wave was an adsorption one. 本文还研究了偶氮胂Ⅲ的极谱性质,结果表明,偶氮胂Ⅲ的极谐波系吸附波。
The nitrosation product can produce a sensitive polarographic wave at-0 31V. 在0.6mol/L盐酸中,甲基橙与NO-2的亚硝化反应产物在极谱仪上于-0.31V(vs.SCE)可获得灵敏的极谱波。
An Adsorptive Polarographic Wave of Vitamin B_1 in Phosphate Buffer and Its Analytical Application 维生素B1在磷酸盐介质中的极谱吸附波及应用
The azo-compounds have very sensitive polarographic wave at-0.70v ( vs. SCE). 此偶氮化合物在-0.70v(vs.SCE)下具有非常灵敏的极谱波。
The character of the polarographic wave was studied by cyclic voltammetry, normal pulse polarography and some other methods. The results indicated that the polarographic wave is an adsorptive wave of complex with weakly adsorbed reactant. The. 应用循环伏安、脉冲极谱等方法研究了该极谱波的性质,结果表明该极谱波属于反应物弱吸附的络合吸附波。
The properties of the polarographic wave was discussed with direct current polarography and voltammetry in this paper. It is a adsorptive complex wave with catalysis. The complex ratio is 2:1. The electrode reaction is reversible. 用直流极谱法和循环伏安法对该波的电化学性质进行了研究,表明该极谱波是一具有催化作用的络合吸附波,络合比为2∶1;
On the Nature of Polarographic Wave of Tellurium ( IV)-Crystal Violet System in HC1 Solution 盐酸-结晶紫底液中碲(Ⅳ)的极谱波性质之研究
The polarographic wave of beryllium-thoron complex 铍与钍试剂-I络合物的极谱波